The Pangia Airstrip is located in the Ialibu-Pangia District, Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. The population is approximately 80,000.
The project consisted of upgrading the airstrip to DASH 8 Aircraft Standard, and was an initiative undertaken by the Pangia/Ialibu District Administration through the Southern Highlands Provincial Government. The pre-existing airstrip was a one-way operational strip classified as ‘Z’, 1000m long x 30m wide, having grass covered Red Silt Clay.
Based on the PNG Civil Aviation Authority Physical Standards, the proposed upgrading is to allow for the following minimum physical conditions; Classification ‘Z’, 1750m x 210m Strip, 1750mx30m Runway, 160mx90m Runway End Safety Area and proposed Apron 120m x 80m.
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Pangia Airstrip Development
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