Real Kakamora football club is made up of mixed provinces in Solomon Islands, but originally represented by Makira province. Club representatives have provided various avenues and means to expose the players to the national level and further develop their sporting career.
“Although small and not yet financially strong, we try our best to develop on our own and grow our players the best we can but today myself and the rest of the management team are very happy in receiving this gift and appreciate that such companies like Kramer Ausenco can be able to assist and provide them to us. This small gift will support our teams moral and assist us in areas we need to improve on” states the club president Mr Leonard Paia who thanked the Manager of Kramer Ausenco, Rovaly Sike before receiving the soccer balls.
Mr Sike applauded the team with their overall efforts thus far and concluded with remarks that everything rises and falls on leadership and co-operation and that on behalf of the company he wished them well with this small token that would go a long way towards further encouraging and promoting good future players in the Real Kakamora FC to achieve number 1 ranking in the near future.