On Sunday 26 May 2013, Kramer Ausenco (KA) staff in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea participated in the annual Sir Anthony Siaguru Walk Against Corruption (SAWAC). The event is a major fundraising and awareness event hosted by Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG). TI is a non-profit, non-government organisation dedicated to fighting corruption both internationally and at the national level, and the late Siaguru founded the PNG Chapter of TI.
TIPNG hosts this Walk to raise funds for the Siaguru Endowment Fund to ensure the future operations of the organisation; raise greater awareness about corruption among members of civil society; and provide a peaceful avenue for citizens to express their opposition to corruption.
Last Sunday, KA staff, in their ‘Walk Against Corruption’ t-shirts and ‘Stopim Korapsen Nau’ (Stop Corruption Now) banner, were among 2000 other people from government, corporate, and civil society, who took part in a loud and colourful 4 kilometre walk through one part of the city.
The program, themed ‘Be the Change’, started and finished at Jack Pidik Park where Acting Chief Ombudsman Phoebe Sangetari, and TIPNG Chairman Lawrence Stephens made speeches.Stephens said TIPNG and its supporters wanted Papua New Guineans to know that everyone can personally make a difference in the fight against corruption.Like all successful organisations Kramer Ausenco is characterised by its strong values and a strong vision to communicate what behaviour is appropriate and what is not. These values are widely shared across the organisation and are reflected in the everyday actions of employees at all levels, both individually and collectively.
Kramer Ausenco staff were pleased to be part of the Walk and show their commitment to making a difference, and being part of that change for Papua New Guinea.